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Why choose our HESI A2 Prep
So you’re ready to apply to nursing school and the only thing standing in your way is the HESI (Health Education Systems Inc.) A2 exam? Suprex Learning offers tutors that have either taken the HESI A2, are current nurses or have a very strong background in advanced sciences (Anatomy & Physiology, Biology, Chemistry, Physics) that can assess your skills and can tailor a customized HESI A2 test prep program specifically designed for you. We also offer HESI A2 tutoring via online platforms including: Jitsi, 24 Sessions, Skype*, Zoom*, or Facetime* to students around the world; all you need is an Internet connection with a webcam!
- In-person & Online HESI A2 prep anywhere!
- HESI experienced instructors
- Suprex Exclusive HESI Prep Manual
- Math, Reading, and Science specialists
- 10% improvement guarantee*
- Practice HESI A2’s
- Review individual’s weak topics
- 1 on 1 & Group Prep Available
- Homework practice
- Nursing school application advice
HESI A2 Prep Book

HESI A2 Tutors
Our goal is for you to be in the most comfortable learning environment possible. To achieve this, you can choose the designated area of tutoring. We’ll come to you for in-person tutoring. This way you have the ability to master each possible topic in the comfort of your own home. Our HESI A2 prep course programs can include one-on-one instruction or small group instruction focused on your needs. The information tested in the HESI A2 will bring back topics from your high school classes like Pre-Algebra, Chemistry, and Physics. We will work with you to remediate areas that you need to focus on. You can choose to enroll which areas of the HESI A2 you would like to focus on with your tutor.
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HESI A2 Reading Comprehension Tutors
The HESI A2 has a total of 8 subject areas; one of the core areas that most students take is the Reading Comprehension and Mathematics portions and these can be quiet difficult for many test takers.
The ability to read and comprehend ensures that you will be able to provide better care to your patients. It is essential that your comprehension skills are excellent as you will be faced with it on a daily basis. The patient record includes the patient’s medical history, the doctor’s assessment, the diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis. You will need to be able to effortlessly review these documents and many more to ensure that your patients receive the best care.
We will help you build your vocabulary in order to be successful on your HESI A2. The vocabulary section of the HESI A2 covers:
- Medical Terminology
- Common Medical Prefixes and Their Meanings
- Common Medical Suffixes and Their Meanings
- Prefixes
- Common Vocabulary Concepts
- Root of words
The Reading Comprehension requires mastery of the following common skills:
- Identifying main ideas
- Supporting details
- Meanings of words in context
- Author’s purpose
- Fact and opinion
- Drawing conclusions and making inferences
- Summarizing
- Determining the author’s tone
HESI Admission Assessment Exam
Prospective nursing students that enroll in 18+ hours of HESI prep improve an average of 10% on their overall score through 1-on-1 tutoring. Get prepared for the HESI A2 with our comprehensive test prep packages: 1-on-1 & small group instruction, practice tests, and detailed feedback regarding your academic progress.
Our HESI Master Plan to Success

HESI A2 Mathematics Tutors
Members of the health profession use math on a daily basis to calculate dosages, limits, nutritional needs, time calculations, unit conversions and intake/output of materials. The math section of the HESI tests for basic algebra along with addition, subtraction, multiplication, percentages, decimals, fractions, and military time. The questions can appear in standard mathematical format or as word problems.
The mathematics portion of the HESI A2 exam will cover:
- Computation with whole numbers
- Addition & Subtraction
- Multiplication & Division
- Fractions
- Decimals
- Percentages
- Military Time
- Roman Numerals
- Basic Measurement Conversions
At Suprex Learning, we can help equip you with mental math practice as well as tips and techniques to conquer this portion. The goal is not for you to simply master this portion alone, but to improve your overall mathematics knowledge and use these skills as your progress through nursing school.
Critical Thinking on the HESI Admission Assessment Exam
Most standardized nursing tests require strong critical thinking skills, and the HESI exam is no exception. Answering practice questions and reading study guides will give you a feel for what type of questions you may be asked on the HESI exam, but there are other tricks you can use to help improve your critical thinking skills.
Another way to help your critical thinking skills is to use the Socratic Method of thinking. Many people claim to the be the authority on a subject or to have all the facts. As a critical thinker and a nurse, it is your job to distinguish between fact and fiction. Although this may sound simple on the surface, it can be very easy to disguise a biased opinion or to search for facts that only reinforce your own beliefs and viewpoints. When you are gathering information on a subject try to identify both sides of the issue and look for trustworthy data that could support either viewpoint. The more your practice looking at problems on a deeper level, the easier tests like the HESI exam will be!
The 4 Categories of Critical Thinking problems include:
- Problem Solving
- Biases and Ethical Dilemmas
- Argument Analysis
- Analysis of Data
The best approach to the Critical Thinking section of the HESI A2 is to
1. Identify the most urgent problem
2. Select the best response for treating the specific problem
3. Know the patient: is the patient an elderly individual, child, female, etc?
4. Try not to make assumptions

HESI A2 Test Taking Strategies with our Tutors
At Suprex Learning, we combine passage based test taking techniques with a specialized study plan to help you achieve your desired result. Our HESI A2 tutoring is not a one-size fits all program; it is specifically crafted to meet your needs and fit your schedule. With your tutor, you will be able to cover the important concepts for the sections of the exam that you will be taking and secure the foundation of the rest of your nursing school career. When you start your HESI A2 test prep with us, you’ll take a practice HESI A2 first test to benchmark your current academic abilities. We want to have a clear idea of your strengths and weaknesses. Our practice test also allows us the progress in your score from our practice test and then your actual HESI A2. We know that standardized tests can be overwhelming, but let us equip you will specialized test taking strategies to maximize the time you spend studying for your exam. By learning the right test taking strategies for the HESI A2 exam, you are able to know for a fact that the answers you pick are the right ones.
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Start with your HESI A2 Private Tutor Today!
Our HESI A2 tutors make it a top priority to stay up to date on the exam and go through our training program created by teachers with nursing backgrounds. Our highly skilled instructors know how important a good HESI A2 score is and we want to make sure that when you choose to do your HESI A2 test prep with us that you are glad you did. Make an appointment today with your very own Suprex Learning tutor and see for yourself what a committed educational team can do for you!
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“Best HESI Prep Courses Houston TX.” – Anjulal S.

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“I used a Tutor for my HESI test and was able to finally pass my test after taking it 2 times. My tutor met me at a place of my preference and was very flexible on working around my time. She was very helpful on giving me work sheets and homework to do at home.“ – Cindy F.