ADHD/ADD Therapy Houston
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Each and every student seeking ADHD/ADD treatment will have specific and varied needs. At Suprex Learning Center Houston, we are dedicated to meeting the needs of each student. Students with learning disabilities are intelligent and excel at certain subjects while experiencing difficulties in other subjects. Traditionally, students with ADHD/ADD overcome their learning disabilities through medication and psychotherapy. However, we provide cognitive training as an alternative treatment approach for students with ADHD/ADD in the Houston area and across the United States.
What is ADHD and ADD?
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) is a condition with symptoms such as inattentiveness and distractibility. The inattentiveness and distractibility associated with ADD make learning extremely challenging for students. In many cases, an individual may also experience a condition with combined symptoms of hyperactivity and impulsivity which is commonly known as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). ADHD and ADD can occasionally feel like unconquerable obstacles. At Suprex Learning Center Houston, we are focused on providing students with ADHD/ADD treatment and techniques to successfully overcome their challenges. We strive to provide the best treatment for students with ADHD/ADD.
ADHD/ADD Treatment
Our staff has been able to assist students with ADHD/ADD at Excelsior Academy, a subsidiary company of Suprex Learning. The educational therapists help improve their academic performance through NILD (National Institute for Learning Disabilities) Educational Therapy which consists of efficient techniques for ADHD/ADD treatment. There are several core techniques used in the NILD Educational Therapy session to address the academic and cognitive processing needs of individual students. We follow techniques such as Blue Book, Dictation and Copy, Buzzer, Math Block and Rhythmic Writing. These techniques encourage strategy development, self-questioning skills, oral communication, and language proficiency as well as aid in maintaining focus for students. Through these techniques, we aim to provide comprehensive ADHD/ADD therapy for your child.
ADHD/ADD Treatment: Rhythmic Writing
At Suprex Learning Center, we utilize non-medical forms of ADHD and ADD therapy for your child’s ADHD/ADD treatment. In particular, Rhythmic Writing (RW) improves visual and cognitive skills while building visual-motor integration, sensory integration, and directionality. RW also addresses the lack of focus in students which can be detrimental to their learning outcomes. It improves focus by combining the physical act of tracing on a chalkboard with the mental action of completing math problems that are called out by the Educational Therapist. In Rhythmic Writing, the students trace figure “8s” on a chalkboard, dictates the direction they are tracing to the instructor, and answers mental math problems directed by the therapist. The sounds that are produced by physically writing on the chalkboard create neuro-feedback and help amplify the ADHD/ADD treatment for your child. Writing also includes letter formation and cursive writing. These tasks prompt the student to think on different dimensions because the students must say the direction they are tracing while the Educational Therapist asks simple math operations. This combination of exercises stimulates their brain and guides them to focus. See the attached Rhythmic Writing video to observe an example of what the core component of Educational Therapy looks like.
ADHD/ADD Treatment: Auditory Memory Training Exercises
Auditory Memory Training exercises help develop visual imagery by increasing auditory attention and improving short-term auditory sequential memory. Students may be given a starting number and asked to count forward or backward by a given value, “Count by 7’s starting with 4). They are able to combine the mathematical calculation with mental focus by verbally expressing only the answer. This ADHD and ADD tutoring technique helps develop strategic thinking in your child.
ADHD/ADD Treatment: Dictation and Copy
Dictation and Copy are ADHD/ADD tutoring techniques to help improve copying skills, develop proofreading skills and develop long-term visual memory. Students will be asked to read a paragraph, discuss the top sentence and supporting details and then explain in their own words the main idea and supporting facts. Through the completion of this ADHD/ADD technique, students will be able to improve their auditory memory, develop their understanding of paragraph structure, improve reading comprehension and language processing and encourage application and transfer of spelling rules.
ADHD/ADD Treatment in Houston
The statistics show that more parents are recognizing the signs of ADHD/ADD in their children. Although medication and psychotherapy are traditional methods of ADHD/ADD treatment, they are not the only options available to you. At Suprex Learning Center Houston, we utilize natural cognitive training and techniques from NILD (the National Institute for Learning Disabilities). Let our tutors work with you to find a customized treatment plan to meet your child’s every learning need.
Start Your Child’s ADHD/ADD Treatment Today!
Every child is different; therefore, their ADHD/ADD tutoring plan should be different as well. Make an appointment with us today and let Suprex Learning Center Houston create a plan to get your child on the path towards success!
(832) 900 9660
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