Program Overview
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Suprex Learning understands the difficulty parents face with students who struggle to learn and have a learning disability. Finding effective intervention can be a challenge. Suprex learning is here to help with our Educational Therapy classes.
Educational Therapy teaches students how to learn as opposed to what to learn. Many students are diagnosed with learning disorders with no appropriate remedy. Tutoring is a temporary solution that will simply prepare your student for the next test or assist with homework. Educational Therapy creates independent learners that will allow the student to memorize academic material more effectively and approach tasks in a more productive manner.
Our trained therapists at Suprex Learning helps students with learning disabilities develop the skills they need to overcome them with intense brain stimulation and interactive learning techniques. Learning issues that we address include: ADD; ADHD; Dyslexia; Dysgraphia; Dysgraphia, lack of focus in school; poor spelling, handwriting, oral and reading skills; and perceptual/auditory deficiencies.
About Our Learning Disability Therapy in Houston
Suprex Learning has an active educational therapy department. For parents of children who struggle to learn, finding effective intervention can be a challenge. The National Institute of Learning Development (NILD) has developed tools for learning that offer hope. NILD’s goal has been to equip individuals with learning disabilities to succeed academically and in life as independent learners.
NILD Educational Therapy develops thinking skills. We teach how to learn, not just what to learn through individualized, intensive, interactive stimulation producing independent learners in a one-on-one setting.
The Best School for Children with Learning Disabilities
Excelsior Academy is the best school for students with learning disabilities from grades 1-12. If you have a child with learning disabilities including ADHD, ADD, Dyslexia, reading barriers, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, dyspraxia or other education barrier, visit the Excelsior Academy website. The school is located in Sugar Land, Texas.
NILD Educational Therapy- Addressing Learning Disorders
For children age 7- college age
We assist students to overcome their learning disabilities through intense brain stimulation and interactive techniques. Believing that all students can learn and that the brain is open to modification at all stages of development, we provide direct and focused educational treatment for cognitive systems that are weak and vulnerable. The therapy we provide for children and adults with learning difficulties was developed to treat underlying causes of the learning disability rather than simply treating the symptoms.
Learning problems, disorders and difficulties we address:
ADD/ADHD– easily distracted, forgetful in daily activities
Lack of focus in school
Dyslexia– learning difficulty that impairs a student’s fluency or comprehension
Dysgraphia– deficiency in writing, poor handwriting
Dyscalculia– math disability
Poor spelling, handwriting, oral and reading skills.
Perceptual/auditory deficiencies
Our Method
Educational therapy is given twice weekly in 80 minute sessions. We use interactive language and dynamic intervention to develop core academic skills and higher order processing.
Core ET Technique, Rhythmic Writing
Rhythmic Writing improves visual and cognitive skills building visual-motor integration, sensory integration and directionality. It also addresses the lack of focus in students. In Rhythmic Writing, the student traces figure “8s” on a chalkboard, dictates the direction he/she is tracing to the instructor, and answers mental math problems directed by the education specialist. Rhythmic Writing (RW) also includes letter formation and cursive writing. It induces the student to think on different dimension since the student must say the direction he or she is tracing while the Educational Therapist asks simple math operations. See the attached Rhythmic Writing video to see an example of what the core component of ET looks like.
Our Tools
A complete psycho-educational battery of tests identifies areas of cognitive strengths and patterns of vulnerability. Two primary assessment tools are used to determine a student’s cognitive ability, perceptual abilities and academic achievement. These tools include the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children® (WISC- IV) and the Woodcock–Johnson Tests of Cognitive Abilities. Based upon initial and annual assessments an individual program of NILD Educational is developed for each student from several techniques designed to develop academic skills and higher order processing.
Our Goal
To equip students with life skills, including:
A work ethic of perseverance and diligence
- Develop fluency in the academic skills of reading, writing, spelling and math
- Reasoning skills for problem solving
- Improvement of verbal and written expression
- Strengthening of auditory and visual processing skills
- Establishment of attention skills
Features of Educational Therapy
- One-to-One Teaching
- Non-Tutorial
- Learning skills, not specific content
- Parental Involvement
- Providing continued stimulation at home
- Strategic Approach to Learning
- Individual and Intense
- Effecting cognitive change through skilled mediation
- All-Age Inclusive
- Enhances thinking for individuals at all stages of life
Benefits of Educational Therapy
- Individualized Attention
- Independent learning
- Overcoming cognitive difficulties
- Long-term chance
- Improved social relationships and self image
- Development of responsibility
How NILD Educational Therapy Works
Difficulties in perception and/or cognition impact the learning process and create uneven academic performance. The learning process is represented as a wall with various components. Perceptual and cognitive skills form the foundation of the wall. If any of these areas, such as visual or auditory memory or abstract/logical thinking are weak or vulnerable, academic skills are affected.
After cognitive and perceptual difficulties are strengthened, the learning process functions efficiently. Students become able to learn independently. More like physical therapy or speech therapy, NILD Educational Therapy is boosting weak, vulnerable systems.
Educational Therapy and Learning Disability Testing
ADD Testing, ADHD Testing, Dyslexia Testing, Dysgraphia testing, Dyscalculia Testing
The NILD Initial Testing Battery includes a body of formal tests (perceptual and academic) and informal tests. These tests assess the way a student takes in, processes and/or expresses information. They indicate intellectual and information processing strengths and weaknesses. Some of the abilities that the tests cover include memory skills, discrimination, visual-motor skills, and auditory processing.
Formal tests are given by a licensed psychologist and include:
Woodcock Johnson III- Tests of Cognitive Abilities and Achievement.
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children- IV
Informal Learning Disability Testing- for Educational Therapy
We can provide a complimentary educational therapy assessment for new students at the discretion of the Director. Our learning disability testing assesses the following:
– Verbal Comprehension
– Perceptual Reasoning
– Spatial Reasoning
– Short-term Memory
– Writing abilities
– Math operation
You can see an overview of our informal educational therapy assessment attached below.
NILD Educational Therapy Training- Houston, Texas
We train our tutors and teachers on Educational Therapy methods to help students with learning disabilities. Each NILD Therapy candidate will receive about 64 hours of in-person training over a 4 week period.
Find out more about the National Institute of Learning Development Educational Therapy program at: