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Why choose our HESI A2 Prep?
Now that you’re ready to apply to nursing school, are you ready for the HESI (Health Education Systems Inc.) A2 exam? Suprex Learning Center offers experienced, HESI A2 tutors at Long Beach that help you prepare for the HESI A2 test with our practice tests, official Suprex handbook and specialized 1:1 or small group help. We also offer tutoring online via video chatting platforms such as Skype, Facetime, and Google Hangouts to students around the world; you don’t have live in Long Beach to receive our specialized tutoring!
- In-person and Online anywhere!
- Experienced HESI instructors
- Suprex Learning’s Exclusive HESI Prep Manual
- Math, Reading, and Science specialists
- 10% improvement guarantee*
- Practice HESI A2’s
- Review individual’s weak topics
- 1 on 1 & Group Prep Available
- Homework practice
- Nursing school application advice
HESI A2 Prep Book

HESI A2 Tutoring in Long Beach
The goal of our Long Beach HESI A2 tutors is for you to receive tutoring in the most comfortable learning environment possible. Therefore, we give you the option of choosing the location of your tutoring sessions- whether it be at home, your local library, your school or online. No matter where your would like to be tutored, our HESI A2 Prep at Long Beach will be convenient for you. Our HESI A2 prep course programs include 1 on 1 tutoring or small group instruction focused on your individual needs while giving you with the skills to tackle the HESI A2. The information tested in the HESI A2 is the foundation of your nursing career. It is imperative that you approach the exam with the intent to understand all the information holistically as opposed to gathering information strictly for the purpose of this single exam. Provided that the information within the HESI A2 reflects the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in your nursing career, we make sure that you retain the knowledge for your career as a nurse.
Some of our students have been accepted into Chamberlain University College for nursing. We can also help you apply to Rush University’s College of Nursing.
HESI A2 Reading Comprehension Tutoring Long Beach
The HESI A2 has 8 academic modules but the Reading Comprehension and Mathematics portions are often the modules that give test-takers the most difficulty. Nearly every profession requires a sound grasp of reading and writing and as a nurse having superior reading comprehension is a key component of your success. If you are unable to read a chart or you cannot read a chart and understand the information provided on it immediately, you become a hazard to your patients. Becoming a successful nurse requires excellent reading comprehension skills. Nurses possessing an extensive vocabulary are better communicators with their peers and patients.
Our HESI A2 tutors at Long Beach here at Suprex Learning will help you build your vocabulary in order to be successful on your HESI A2. The vocabulary section of the HESI A2 covers:
- Medical Terminology
- Common Medical Prefixes and Their Meanings
- Common Medical Suffixes and Their Meanings
- Prefixes
- Common Vocabulary Concepts
- Root of words
The Reading Comprehension requires mastery of the following common skills:
- Identifying main ideas
- Supporting details
- Meanings of words in context
- Author’s purpose
- Fact and opinion
- Drawing conclusions and making inferences
- Summarizing
- Determining the author’s tone
HESI Admission Assessment Exam
Prospective nursing students that enroll in 18+ hours of HESI prep improve an average of 10% on their overall score through 1-on-1 tutoring. Get prepared for the HESI A2 with our comprehensive test prep packages: 1-on-1 & small group instruction, practice tests, and detailed feedback regarding your academic progress.
Our HESI Master Plan to Success

HESI A2 Mathematics Tutoring Long Beach
Although nursing is largely science based, math is an integral part of your success. Math is used to do a number of calculations, regardless of the branch of nursing you desire to enter. Nurses must also use math to analyze information, read and understand patient information and just complete daily activities. The mathematics portion of the HESI A2 exam will cover:
- Computation with whole numbers
- Addition & Subtraction
- Multiplication & Division
- Fractions
- Decimals
- Percentages
- Military Time
- Roman Numerals
- Basic Measurement Conversions
Our HESI A2 tutors at Suprex Learning Center Long Beachcan help equip you with mental math practice as well as tips and techniques to conquer this portion. Our Long Beach HESI A2 tutors will help improve your overall mathematics knowledge and use these skills as your progress through nursing school.
Critical Thinking on the HESI Admission Assessment Exam
The HESI A2 Critical Thinking section is designed to provide a a brief snapshot of how you think critically when you are in certain healthcare situations as a nurse. These questions are more “common sense” questions and are more individual responses from your own thinking.
The 4 Categories Include
- Problem Solving
- Biases and Ethical Dilemmas
- Argument Analysis
- Analysis of Data
The best approach to the Critical Thinking section of the HESI A2 is to
1. Identify the most urgent problem
2. Select the best response for treating the specific problem
3. Know the patient: is the patient an elderly individual, child, female, etc?
4. Try not to make assumptions

HESI A2 Test Taking Strategies Tutoring
At Suprex Learning Center Long Beach we combine passage based test taking techniques with a specialized study plan to help you achieve your desired result. We will specially craft a HESI A2 prep plan designed to meet your needs and fit your schedule. With your tutor, you will be able to cover all the important concepts in the exam as well as secure the foundation for the rest of your nursing school career. When you start your HESI A2 test prep with us, you’ll take a diagnostic test as a baseline measurement. We want to have a clear idea of your strengths and weaknesses. Our diagnostic test also allows us to measure the increase in your score. We know that standardized tests can be overwhelming, but let us equip you will specialized test taking strategies to maximize the time you spend studying for your exam. By learning the right test taking strategies for the HESI A2 exam, you are able to know for a fact that the answers you pick are the right ones.
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Start your HESI A2 Private Tutoring Session Today!
Our tutors make it a top priority to stay up to date on the HESI A2 exam as well as any changes being made to the exam. Our highly skilled instructors know how important a good HESI A2 score is and we want to make sure that when you choose to do your HESI A2 test prep with us that you are glad you did. Make an appointment today with your very own Suprex Learning Center tutor and see for yourself what a committed educational team can do for you!
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“Best HESI Prep Courses.” – Anjulal S.

“Best HESI A2 Tutors” – Rich F.